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Yixuan Yuki Ji


ERG Leader

Yuki has been a very active driver of improved visibility of PEARL and works to make sure that the successes of our people and the ERG are communicated out. She has worked with corporate communication to help develop correctly targeted content in the BSC News Update, which has helped her to make connections with other ERGs and interested partners.

She’s also reached out and shared with different franchises where we are doing good work that connects with the work they do to see where we can work together with diverse colleagues to serve our diverse customers.

With grit and determination and her knowledge and connections across organizations in BSC, Yuki has Improved PEARL’s connection with commerce and BSC’s DE&I and business goals. She has further developed opportunities related to our CEO Winning Spirit Award for the PEARL Patient Brochures team to demonstrate how PEARL can help us meet business needs while helping our customers, patients, and the AAPI community.

Her focus on raising awareness of cancer in the AAPI community has allowed for and encouraged new partnerships with CRAFT and other experts and organizations inside and outside BSC. Yuki has enabled the expansion of the ERG by helping to add a new and vitally needed virtual chapter to provide more accessible programming to our diverse membership and workforce, as well as solidifying a number of global operations positions and other global leadership positions that allow people to focus on areas where they want to grow or show expertise, which has led to even richer events and activities for our members, partners, and the larger BSC community.

Yuki’s tenacity, strategic thinking, customer focus, courage, relationship building, influence, and communication as she has worked to help us live up to our mission of leadership, celebration, and community as she helps PEARL members to be seen, be understood, and be celebrated has been inspiring. She has helped to make PEARL a stronger, more respected, and trusted partner at Boston Scientific, and I can’t wait to see where she continues to lead us.

Yixuan  Yuki Ji


Over the phone or online

+44 7939 201933

Unit 304, 9 Steedman St, London, SE17 3BA

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